
When Is Salvation Season 2 Episode 3 Airing? Why Are Trump & NCIS on Instead?

Where is CBS Salvation S02E03?

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If you’re tuning in to watch Salvation on CBS tonight, then you’re in for a big disappointment (but it’s only brief.) Instead, you’re going to either see a CBS news special about Trump’s Supreme Court nomination on instead, or you’re going to see a rerun of NCIS. 🙁 But don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. Salvation is airing later tonight.

Where's Salvation S02E03? It's not the end of the world, the show's just delayed. Share on X

CBS has announced that they are airing Salvation an hour later tonight, starting at 10 p.m. Eastern (9 p.m. Central) rather than its regular 9 p.m. Eastern time. That’s because Trump just announced a few days ago that he’s announcing his Supreme Court nomination at 9 p.m. tonight, during prime time television. And yes, we’re sad about that too. We’d much rather watch Salvation!

If you’re reading this late and forgot to set your DVR, don’t despair. You can catch it on Demand later this week or you can watch it on CBS All Access. The easiest way to watch the episode you missed for free is by watching it on Amazon. If you have Amazon Prime, you can sign up for a free seven-day trial of CBS All Access on Amazon Prime, so you can watch the episode you missed. It should be available by 10 p.m. Eastern today, since CBS All Access livestreams CBS episodes at the same time they air on TV. Or you can buy the episode by itself for $2.99 on Amazon once it’s available. Just go here to sign up for your free trial of CBS All Access so you can watch the episode you missed.

If you missed Salvation S02E03, here's how to watch it on Amazon Prime. Share on X

If you’ve never watched Salvation and you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, Season 1 is included free with Amazon Prime. Watch it here.

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