Books, Games

First Clues & Videos — Endgame: The Calling’s ARG

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You’ll find the first clues for Endgame: The Calling at the Ancient Societies website. This is the beginning of an ARG that will supply clues to the $500kEndgame: The Calling prize that makes Endgame: The Calling something akin to a historic piece of entertainment fiction.

The book is where it all begins (and you can buy a copy here.) Without  the book, you won’t be able to navigate this deeply immersive world or have a shot at winning the $500k prize. But the book is only the beginning. And if you stick to just the book, you might miss out on the whole point of the game.


An ARG provides a “prequel” look at the Endgame universe. Here’s a teaser for the ARG:

[Tweet “Check out the teaser for The Endgame’s prequel ARG!”]

Kind of just leaves you wanting more, right? Well, the game is set up to interact with Google+ (ya, sorry about that.) You can play without G+, but with your G+ account you can submit answers to clues and move further along in the game progress and learn about these 12 ancient lines that are battling for control of the earth. (Note: the log-in part doesn’t work right now. I’d check back with the Endgame website to see when it’s functional.)

Before you run to Endgame Ancient Truth, don’t get too excited. Currently, the site just provides some background, a place to login with Google+ (not currently working), and then takes you to straight to the Ancient Societies website. Here you’ll find the very first video in the ARG – a message from Stella about being part of the revolution:

[Tweet “Stella’s first Endgame video is pretty interesting – check it out!”]

Now it’s getting interesting! There’s a lot of good information on the site to go through, and someone’s already solved an intro puzzle. We’ll post more after we’ve gone through the site. What do you think of the game so far?

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at [email protected].

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