
Fallout: Revelation Pilot — Watch Parts 1, 2, and 3 Right Here

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Part 3 of the long-awaited Fallout Revelation pilot is finally here, released by MechanicalCakeTV. The synopsis reads: “A mysterious object found in the wasteland brings havoc to peaceful vault dweller, Aldous Mercury.” Fans love Part 3 just as much as Parts 1 and 2. Comments on YouTube include, “Literally everything about this is spot on yet again. The props, the setting, the location.” Another viewer wrote: “Woah Woah — this brought tears — it can’t just end?!”

Watch #Fallout: Revelation Parts 1, 2, and 3 right here. Share on X

The fan-made video series isn’t affiliated with Bethesda in any way, but we kind of wish Bethesda would fun the thing so we could have a compelling web series or (dare we dream) an actual Fallout TV series. The first video, above, is Part 1.

Next are Parts 2 and 3.

And finally, the long-awaited Part 3:

Fallout: Revelation is nominated for SXSW’s 2017 Gaming Award for “Fan Creation of the Year.” If you like the video, you can help fund the Kickstarter so MechanicalCakeTV can make another episode with a higher production value. The kickstarter is here. Here’s a more detailed synopsis of the film:

A strange object with an unknown purpose is found in the wasteland and both the Enclave and the Institute are willing to kill for it.  When the object ends up in the hands of unsuspecting vault dweller Aldous Mercury, it sets him on a perilous journey that will unravel a dark conspiracy and uncover an even darker truth.”

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at [email protected].

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