TV Shows, Utopia

Crazy Cal thinks he’s bringing sexy back to Utopia

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Cal’s ego knows no bounds!!! A woman wanted to fly in from Dallas to spend an hour with him and Nikki. He told the Utopians that his time is worth… wait for it… $700 AN HOUR!

Bahahahaha! Would you pay $700 for an hour with Cal?

Honestly, if you’re gonna spend money for the Utopians, here’s a link to their Amazon wish list: Utopia Wish List

But back to Cal! 😀 Here are a few more priceless quotes from a recent conversation he had with Nikki. Remember, you can highlight anything in this post and share the highlighted part on Facebook or Twitter. 😀

“I’ve made the kitchen a safe place. You helped but… I made it happen.”

“I’m bringing sexuality into it (Utopia).” — Ummm, what?????

[Tweet “”I’m bringing sexuality into Utopia”- #CrazyCal”]

“This is the same way I get girls all the time… They’re projecting out what they want. I put a mirror up… Connection. I get what I want. Some bringing bootie, you know what I mean?”


Want to hear the best quote about Cal? It comes from a Redditor (permanent link here.)

[Tweet “”I sleep better at night knowing that Cal’s still in their compound rather than in the real world with us. ” – Redditor about #Utopia”]

Cal’s Real Name and His “Social Experiment” 

Did you know that Cal is trying to recruit people to live on his communal farm for $1000 a week? I am not kidding. Start watching at 47 seconds in:

The site he’s referring to is The Bridgers.  Although he goes by Cal, Cal Efort is actually the writer of The Bridgers’ book, which, in reality is a pseudonym for everyone who contributed to the book. (Whew! Confusing.) Guess Cal chose the name to represent his commune farm. His real name is Jason Deach or JayDee (see here.)

Want more bonus Cal info? He recently had a temper tantrum because he “knows” how to save Utopia and the producers aren’t listening to him. He’s currently threatening to leave. I kinda don’t want to see that happen, because between Cal and Bella, things stay pretty darn interesting on this show. Aaron needs to be the next one to go.

Oh, and by the way… No one’s bought his priceless $160 fur hat with hair that falls out yet…

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at [email protected].

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