The Apocalist is a directory of websites, blogs, products and services featuring content related to the post-apocalyptic genre. It is a gateway to the best apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic content the web has to offer.

Our members include bloggers, authors, content creators, and practical experts whose sites cover topics ranging from the discussion of books, movies, and games to real-life advice about how to prepare for an apocalyptic situation.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 94
Random Survival A deadly virus sweeps through the country, leaving Mark alone to face the new world. He has no idea why the disease spared him when so many others have died, but if he want […]
Emily Sullivan’s debut novel, Crow Country, is a post-apocalyptic western that will take you on an intense and gripping journey, in a world where survival requires strength and sacrifice. […]
A wanted man with his dog avoid an unknown sniper in post-apocalyptic Colorado, while they get closer to a radio transmission—a location the man trusts that his lost nephews are there.
IN THE END is a series of three zombie apocalypse novels. When humanity faces an undead nightmare, one man’s party turns into a race to survive. Logan has always taken things a little too […]
Author of post apocalyptic horror and screenplays, including the zombie apocalypse novels: "Worse than Dead" and "Less than Dead'.
I have been making post-apocalyptic music for 10 years. Through these years I have always been looking for that fine line between the beautiful and the grim aspects of post-apocalypse and decay.
Getting to know the end of the world. Dystopic is a blog predominantly dedicated to dystopian literature and film. If you're interested in oppression and societal strain, you've come to th […]
A DIFFERENT YESTERDAY Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic, Futuristic Romance by Linda Mooney Word Count: 67.3K $3.99 e / $9.99 p / $19.95 a Narrated by Doug Greene Length: 6 hrs, 33 min The Apocaly […]
Post-Apocalptic Reddit
Nuclear War, Pandemic, Economic Collapse, Natural Disaster, Alien Invasion, Machine Revolution, Global Warming, Cosmic Rays, Zombie Apocalypse, Astronomical Impact, Animal Revolt, Science G […]
Action-packed nail-biting books that keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page until the last.
In the ruined wasteland of what was once America - a travelling doctor, his daughter and their hired hands survive in the harsh world left after a catastrophic asteroid impact. Told through […]
The end of civilization is just a new beginning! Young Jack grew up fearing the taint-infested world that Earth had turned into. The rules were clear: work hard, stay in the haven, and run […]
I spend way too much time pondering zombie apocalypse scenarios and write about different ways the world could end. My zombie outbreak novella is available on Amazon: […]
Aaron Spelker’s debut novel is an apocalyptic medical thriller called The Bubonic Reorder. He originally conceived of the novel in 2014 and spent the next 5 years researching the novel. I […]
The Lone Star Odyssey series series is a post apocalyptic story set in a dystopian world gone mad. The series follows a retired Marine coming off a five year tour as a contractor in Afghani […]
The Infected World Series is the story of the brave men and women of the United States Military as they battle in the apocalypse to save their country and the world. The author, me, mixed h […]
What does it mean to be human when humanity is gone? In the post-collapse wasteland of Tasmania, it’s difficult enough to survive when you’re going it alone. So when former US Army Ranger […]
Michelle lives in Worcestershire, UK, with her husband, Daniel, and their two young children. Her first joyful steps into creative writing were at the age of ten, when the teacher read out […]
Welcome to From the Wastes... the website and podcast guaranteed to end in Mutually Assured Discussion. Chatting with creators and fans within the SciFi, Post-Apocalyptic, and Dystopian genres.
I write about EMPs, Asteroid Impacts, Apocalyptic Science Mistakes, and Zombies, but I approach them like sprawling big-budget disaster movies where you spill popcorn as you cheer (or curse […]