Showing 1 - 6 of 6
90 Years after The American War. The Last Aviatrix still flies above the ruined wastelands of this rotted skull of an earth. The radiation and atomic nature of the worlds demise has given r […]
The post-apocalyptic comic of our time! A woman (Gasolina) and her dog (Krunk) travel through an ecologically hazardous post apocalyptic America.
Sovren was designed by Sixsmith Industries, the best and brightest of his age. Years of research, decades of data mining, and more centuries than any human was supposed to live, put togethe […]
AinoloniA - Return to Parascythe Blurb: In a world destroyed in an ancient catastrophe, there is a city that rises above all else. The duo makes their way back to it, to free themselves fr […]
"Gifts of wandering ice" is a science fiction comic about ancient things people find in melting icebergs. The old civilization, perished in tsunamis and floods and preserved by the ice age […]
The War between the two galactic superpowers rages on. On one side are the Freeman, moral absolutists locked in a 1930's world view. On the other is the Accordance, techno-modified super-so […]