Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Sovren was designed by Sixsmith Industries, the best and brightest of his age. Years of research, decades of data mining, and more centuries than any human was supposed to live, put togethe […]
Aftermath is a post apocalyptic science fiction story set in the year 2112, told in the form of an audio drama series by Fire Pit Creative Group. In the story, a group of survivors living i […]
"Gifts of wandering ice" is a science fiction comic about ancient things people find in melting icebergs. The old civilization, perished in tsunamis and floods and preserved by the ice age […]
South African writer and coffee addict, Baileigh Higgins, lives in the Free State with hubby and best friend Brendan and loves nothing more than lazing on the couch with pizza and a bad hor […]
A global superstorm. A stranger with a message. A quest for the truth. They're in for the fight of their lives. Aiden is a Pathfinder, a survivor, clinging to a meager existence within the […]
Your one-stop destination for science fiction and fantasy stories, including post apocalyptic fictions