The video above shows scenes from Mad Max: Fury Road filmed without CGI. And it still is awe-inspiring, post-apocalyptic heaven. ESPORTS TV’s four minute video shows how the action scenes looked before CGI and visual effects were added. Fans agree that Mad Max was an amazing feat of videography and doesn’t need special effects to still be stunning.
Daniel Arenson, a fan on Facebook, wrote: “The reason Fury Road looked so amazing is because it used practical effects, with CGI used sparingly. It’s the same reason Lord of the Rings looked better than The Hobbit, the original Star Wars looked better than the prequels…”
Justin Ponkow agreed and shared on Facebook: “In case in you were wondering why movie nerds like me were so enamored with Fury Road (besides for just the story and acting)…here you go. The movie was a call back to when computers didn’t dominate film special effects. Shows that uncovered practical movie magic had kids like me in absolute awe and created that love for film in the first place.”
Does watching the raw footage make you want to see the movie all over again? Tell others about this video by clicking the tweet below!
Watch Mad Max: Fury Road without CGI right here! #MadMax Share on X
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