Looking to stock up on educational books for the impending apocalypse? Humble Bundle is having an amazing sale right now that includes 31 books for the price of one, and you don’t want to miss this.
Humble Bundle is most notable for its video game package deals. They offer up a bundle of games or books and you pay what you want. You can usually pay as little as $1 for a collection, but since these bundles are for charity, you’d be a complete jerk to not give more. I mean, no pressure.
For this current set of books, entitled Bushcraft Survival Guide with a retail value of $400, Humble Bundle is offering up 31 books for $15 or more. They also have it set up where you can do smaller bundles like $1 for 5 books or $10 for 16 books. This 31-book set has a minimum price of $15, but you can certainly give more if you like.
Now it is important to note that these books are not physical books, but ebooks. You can download them in .mobi or .epub format (some are also in .pdf format) to be uploaded to your Kindle library or other ereader. Humble Bundle includes comprehensive instructions to get your books on your device of choice.
You might be wondering what good ebooks will be in a grid-down situation, right? Here’s what I did: I jumped on this deal immediately and downloaded everything onto an older iPhone that I keep in a small Faraday pouch in my bug-out bag. The phone doesn’t have cell service (because who needs that when the SHTF?), but it does have hundred of books, encyclopedias, guides, maps, and more saved on it. I can charge the phone from a small solar charger and have access to a wealth of info in that tiny package.
This particular bundle’s charity is Worldreader. So the amount you give above and beyond the $15 price will go toward that charity.
Worldreader is described as “a global nonprofit bringing digital books to children and their families, empowering them to read, think, and grow in order to improve their lives and their world. In its first five years, Worldreader has reached 5.6 million readers in 69 countries with a digital library of 28,500 local and international e-books via e-readers and mobile phones, and aims to reach 10 million readers with its digital library by the end of 2015 and 15 million readers by 2018. To read free books on your mobile phone, visit read.worldreader.org. For more information on Worldreader, visit http://www.worldreader.org.”
So while helping children learn to read, you’re saving a ton of money on some really impressive and helpful books.
What books, you might ask? Here’s a complete list:
- Everything Green Living Book
- Project Garden
- Bushcraft 101
- Everything Fishing Book
- Canning and Preserving
- Modern-Day Pioneer
- Craft of the Knot
- Everything Guide to Foraging
- Everything Wild Game Cookbook
- Everything Small-Space Gardening Book
- Backyard Farming
- Backpacking 101
- Everything Guide to Living Off the Grid
- RX from the Garden
- Guide to Improvised Weaponry
- How to Grow Marijuana
- Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild
- Survival Hacks
- Green Smoothie Garden
- Complete First Aid Pocket Guide
- Everything Grow Your Own Vegetables Book
- Gardening Hacks
- Advanced Bushcraft
- 100 Things to See in the Night Sky
I would say that’s certainly worth $15 (or more!). You have until September 25th to get in on this amazing deal.
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