House representatives recently questioned the Department of Energy (DOE) about UAPs, and expressed frustration about the Secretary of Energy’s responses. The DOE’s nuclear facilities have experienced UAP incursions frequently over the years, prompting the concern.
(Interestingly, the Department of Energy itself has a webpage devoted entirely to UFOs and UAPs, including notations of mysterious sightings that have not been explained.)
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The Energy Secretary Told Rep. Burchett ‘There May Be Drones’ But Nothing Else
Rep. Tim Burchett and Rep. Anna Paulina Luna both questioned the Department of Energy about UAPs during a full committee hearing between the DOE and the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on May 23, 2024. The U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, answered questions.
First, Burchett asked, “What is the responsibility of the federal protective services within the nuclear security administration? … I was going to follow up about the numerous reports by the federal protective services officers describing suspicious occurrences of UAPs over nuclear facilities.”
Sec. Granholm: “Let me just say, the Defense Department has said there is no evidence of UFOs etc. or aliens in the United States. However, at those sites, there may be drones that may be nefarious. And so we are definitely looking at that and making sure that our national security sites are protected. We have a whole program related to countering drones that may be coming…”
(Interestingly, the Department of Energy has a webpage devoted entirely to UFOs and UAPs, and notes that not all of these sightings have been explained, seemingly contradicting Granholm’s statement.)
Burchett interrupted her, saying, “This isn’t about drones. This is prior to drones even… What protocols does the Department of Energy have for reporting or responding to any UAP sightings near nuclear infrastructure?”
“Well certainly there are protocols whenever we see anything unusual around our nuclear sites or our national security sites at large,” Granholm added.
After the meeting, Burchett had some words to say about the whole thing.
“She was clueless,” he commented about the questions he asked Granholm. “I asked her about some recent UAP sightings and UFO situations that had been documented, and she kinda smirked and said something a little smart I thought… She wouldn’t even come before the committee until we threatened a subpoena.”
Rep. Luna Asked Numerous Questions, Including About Using JSOC for Security
Rep. Luna also had questions for the Department of Energy Secretary following Burchett’s questions.
Luna first asked about claims from whistleblowers that parts of the government, including potentially the Department of Energy, have been involved in UAP crash retrievals and reverse engineering.
Granholm simply replied, “I have no knowledge of that.”
Luna next asked about drone/UAP incursions over nuclear facilities, which have been frequently reported including an incident on April 1, 2021, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. She asked about the steps being taken to stop these incursions and decrease their frequency.
Granholm said: “We have a whole counter drone effort to make sure that all our national security sites and our labs are protected from incursions from drones, I’ll just say, that are not authorized. So there’s a whole series of protocols…”
Luna said she had reviewed some materials from the 1940s and 1950s that also showed incursions which were definitely not drones, and suggested the program be updated to include UAPs.
In her next question, Luna asked about documented sightings of metallic spheres over nuclear facilities, including one report on April 30, 2019, over LLNL. She asked what types of investigations had been done and what was known about the nature of the objects.
Granholm replied: “I’m happy to follow up with you on that.”
Luna then asked how the DOE coordinates with AARO and the DoD over UAP sightings.
Granholm said: “We obviously are teamed with the Department of Defense because of our national security and nuclear mission…”
Luna next asked if the DOE works with JSOC on security measures.
Granholm said, “We work with all the security entities around the federal government. We’re part of an overall all-of-government effort on both cyber as well as national security… Yes we do (work with JSOC.)”
JSOC is short for Joint Special Operations Command.
Reporter Jeremy Corbell tweeted about the significance of this question, writing: “The DOE has long been said to have a significant hand in the recovery and reverse engineering of UFOs. Specifically, JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) has been implicated in conducting retrieval missions of UAP. The convergence of credible whistleblower testimony, historical proposals for reverse engineering programs, and the operational capabilities of JSOC strongly suggest that they play a significant role in these secretive activities.”
The Department of Energy Was Included in the Original Schumer Rounds Act
Questioniong the Department of Energy is a natural part of the UAP investigation, as it’s been at the center of quite a few UAP theories and questions.
For example, the original version of Schumer and Rounds’ UAP Disclosure Act (which was changed significantly in the final 2024 NDAA) mentioned the Atomic Energy Act.
The bill noted: “Legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony indicates that Federal Government unidentified anomalous phenomena records exist that have not been declassified or subject to mandatory declassification review as set forth in Executive Order 13526 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note; relating to classified national security information) due in part to exemptions under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.), as well as an over-broad interpretation of ‘transclassified foreign nuclear information’, which is also exempt from mandatory declassification, thereby preventing public disclosure under existing provisions of law.”
The act, when it defines unidentified anomalous phenomena record, notes that this record includes a number of agencies, such as the “Department of Energy and its progenitors, the Manhattan Project, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Energy Research and Development Administration.”
These mentions were taken out of the version that was approved in the final 2024 NDAA.
UFO Whistleblower David Grusch Said a Russia Nuclear Arms Treaty Was in Part About UFO Interference
As we previously reported, UFO whistleblower David Grusch has also said that a well-known nuclear arms treaty between the U.S. and Russia actually contains an overlooked callout describing how to deal with UFOs. The treaty, signed in 1971, came after UFO interference with U.S. nuclear sites.
During his interview with Coulthart in 2023, Grusch maintained that Article 3 of the treaty is aimed particularly at UFOs (now known as UAPs.)
Article 3 reads:
“The Parties undertake to notify each other immediately in the event of detection by missile warning systems of unidentified objects, or in the event of signs of interference with these systems or with related communications facilities, if such occurrences could create a risk of outbreak of nuclear war between the two countries.”
He said during his NewsNation interview: “If you look at Article Three of that treaty, it talks about unidentified objects near nuclear facilities are interfering with communications. And that is a treaty that’s has been used from what I understand to notify each other if there’s a concerning event.”
He then clarified: “There is an environment where you could have almost like a false flag where true, non-prosaic, UAP situation could be construed … as you know, a provocation of something from a nation state. And we want to de-escalate that.”
This work by Stephanie Dwilson is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. Please note that this license does not include photos or videos that may be in the story.
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