The Department of Energy has created a new webpage devoted entirely to UFOs and UAPs, titled “UAP/UFO Resources and Documents.” Some UFO advocates are noting that this is a good step in the direction of transparency. The document drop became public just a little over a week after U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s own trove of UFO/UAP videos went viral on social media.
The DOE’s UFO webpage is categorized under the National Nuclear Security Administration, likely due to the number of the potential sightings near nuclear facilities. It contains a wealth of interesting information, as you can see in the screenshot below. The webpage is new. According to Internet Archive, the first saved archive is from September 29, 2023.
First is a link labeled “20220809,” and below it are a list of other resources from NASA, the NSA, the DNI, and
The “20220809” link takes you to eight PDFs concerning UFO sightings.
To review a comprehensive, in-depth breakdown of all of UFO whistleblower David Grusch’s claims, with citations, see our story here.
The First PDF Includes a Letter About Mysterious ‘Green Lights’ Near Los Alamos
The first PDF, which you can read in the embed below, contains letters from 1970, starting with a letter from November 23, 1970.
Letters 1970 – Shared by the DOE by Stephanie Dube Dwilson on Scribd
The letter notes that from 1948 to 1951 at Los Alamos, New Mexico, they were several “sightings of green lights.” They usually happened early in the evening between 9 and 11 p.m. He noted that he could recall “several instances of green lights weaving in and out of mountain peaks,” which were reported to the relevant authorities in the Protective Force Division.
The letter continues: “I also recall one instance of five objects flying over Los Alamos in the afternoon. They … appeared to be flying in formation.”
Following this letter is one from James L. Tuck to Col. Murray in December 1970 requesting “the recipe that was used for the simulated atomic bomb demonstrations. We are interested in the large atmospheric vortices which are produced as reported in the book ‘Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects’ by Dr. Edward U. Condon.”
The next letter, written on November 28, references ball lightning and a book by James W. McCampbell called “UFOLOGY, 1976.” The letter specifically cites a chapter called “Flight and Propulsion,” which the author says may be related to the unified field theory.
The Next PDFs Discuss Drone Sightings
The next PDFs are citations of different incidents that took place involving UFOs and the Protective Force Division. One case, filed on September 2021 but dated March 19, 2018, cites what appeared to look like a “drone flying West to East over Sandia National Laboratory.” The drone had red and white LED lighting and no sound.
The next case is also marked “closed” and is from April 30, 2019. It cites a possible drone sighting at “building 815” that was described as a “round silver drone flying around the Process Area and periodically stopping and hovering for several seconds.” It said identification wasn’t possible because of how high the object was flying. There were no scheduled drone flights that day.
You can read the report embedded below.
PFD Operations Report #190430-13 by Stephanie Dube Dwilson on Scribd
The third report, marked #190624-1, is another closed incident from June 24, 2019. This describes a drone sighting in parking lot E-8 flying about 40 feet high. The drone is described as a “four rotor propeller drone, approximately two feet in diameter with flashing blue and red lights and the body was dark in color.”
This case seems to definitively be a drone.
PFD Operations Report #190624-1 by Stephanie Dube Dwilson on Scribd
The fourth report, marked #190703-7, is a closed report from July 3, 2019. This one refers to a drone reported through “casual conversation,” and the person writing the report notes they think some aircraft in the area might have been mistaken for a drone. There’s not much to this unremarkable report.
The fifth report, marked #191018-2, is from October 18, 2019. You can read the embed below. This one refers to a possible drone sighting described at first as a “bright light in the sky… approaching his direction.” The drone was seen slowing as it approached, which led them to believe it had a camera. There were two red lights and one white light on the drone, with the red lights being about 10 to 14 inches apart. It was flying about 20 to 30 feet above his vehicle.
PFD Operations Report #191018-2 by Stephanie Dube Dwilson on Scribd
The sixth report is marked #200722-5.pdf. Also closed, it’s from July 22, 2020. The object is described as a “white fixed wing drone” that was flying about 100 feet high. There were no known drone flyovers at the time.
PFD Operations Report #200722-5 by Stephanie Dube Dwilson on Scribd
The final PDF in the document drop is labeled #210401-1.pdf. This is another closed incident, and this time it’s from April 1, 2021 around 6:35 a.m. The report comes from a person who noted a “possible drone” hovering 50 to 75 feet off the ground with red and white lights. There were no known drone deployments at that time.
In summary, most of the released PDF reports concern closed reports of UFOs that strongly resembled drones and not unknown technology. There were no known drones flying in the area at the time of the sightings, so they were listed as UFOs.
It’s interesting, however, to note that these PDFs were dropped along with some interesting letters from the 1970s about sightings that involved what appears to be very different technology that were not drones.
This work by Stephanie Dwilson is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. Please note that this license does not include photos or videos that may be in the story.
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