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Post-Apocalyptic Kickstarter Spotlight: ‘DEADZONE’ — A Short Film

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Guest Post by Mary Rhymer, Executive Producer. Click here to visit the Kickstarter, which is currently at $3,900 of a $5,000 goal.

Hi! I’m the executive producer for a short film called DEADZONE, set in the post-apocalyptic American woods. We are really excited about this project, and we thought you might be interested in it too. We are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the film, and one of the incentives (my personal favorite) is a personalized post-apocalyptic trading card, such as the one below.

DEADZONE is a passion project for director Rafe Karen. Drawing his inspiration from the work of Quentin Tarantino, Rafe presents a thrilling, sarcastic, sardonic twist to the “Post-Apocalyptic” genre. He has an eye for detail, and he’s gathered a team of film enthusiasts who are in it for the excitement of being a part of something spectacular. The film is about a surly huntress with an affinity for retro jams and an inquisitive ex-medical student who depend on each other’s skills and companionship to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.

Here’s a quote from the description on Kickstarter:

Even before it happened, people had difficulty tapping into the brain of Amy. She was always very closed off. She was a mistake, born into a family whose second youngest child was 21 years her senior. Amy has been described by her peers as “stand-offish.” In her solitude, she became a cunning thief and a creative utilitarian.

Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Samantha set out to be more than what her parents could provide for her. Always working to be the smartest person in the room, she pisses people off by dropping 50 cent words when a nickel would do.

Before you go, check out DEADZONE on Kickstarter here.

Check out this new post-apocalyptic #Kickstarter, DEADZONE! Share on X

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