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Vote for the Top Post Apocalyptic Ship!

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Nobody is here to watch me talk so let’s get to it! But before I release you to the voting, some ground rules:

Vote for your favorite post-apocalyptic ship. Vote as much as you want but if you’re going to be in the comment section, keep it classy.

That’s really pretty much it.

There will be multiple rounds, but no brackets, until the final two. This round will open Saturday (4/8/17 ) 10/9am. The next round will be up 4/15/17 at 12am. If you want to stay updated beyond visiting this page, subscribe to our emails here.


ETA: Unfortunately due to the poll widget used being incredibly bizarre and having technical issues on the poll itself as well as on the admin end, this round will end at midnight tonight. The next round will be up Saturday 4/15/17, 12am.

And thus concludes the first round! There was a staggering amount of votes, I’m talking over a million, and each one was counted-despite the weirdo percentages and other glitches. Congratulations to the nine ships moving on! See you, Saturday morning for round two!

Each couple on this list was nominated by YOU (despite a little confusion, sorry guys!)! Have fun and happy voting! See you on the other side. 😉


And now that you’ve voted, be sure to share the poll and tell all your friends! (And note: We know the percentages are a little weird at times — know that all votes ARE being counted, so keep on voting!)

Vote for your favorite post-apocalyptic ship right here! Share on X

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    Heather is a twenty-something wine drinker and coffee lover who tweets too much and sleeps too little. She resides near the beaches in Mississippi where she annoys her family and friends with her obsessions of fictional people. She has a full time job with a health package and everything but she always finds time to over-invest in TV Shows and is thrilled that she now gets to share these obsessions with the world.

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