News, The Walking Dead, TV Shows

Tales of The Walking Dead Anthology Series Officially Announced for Next Summer

Tales of the Walking Dead

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While rumors of the highly anticipated anthology series Tales of the Walking Dead have been swirling for a while now, AMC Networks officially greenlit the project to release next summer.

Tales of the Walking Dead will be a collection of one-hour episodes that focus on “both new and established characters set in the world of the original series.”

The series will be led by Channing Powell, writer and producer for both the original TWD series and Fear the Walking Dead. Powell will be working closely with Scott M. Gimple on the project to make sure everything is true to the TWD universe.

“This series, more than any other in the Walking Dead Universe, runs on new voices, perspectives, and ideas — bringing to life stories unlike any we’ve told before,” Gimple said in a press release. “I’m thrilled to be Channing’s consigliere, helping in every way I can to make those new visions real for the best fans in TV.”

While there’s no further information about which characters will be portrayed in the series, the mix of new and existing character backstories is interesting. Not only does it mean that we may get to see some story gaps mended, but Tales will help us deal with the loss of the original show as it approaches its final episode of its last season. And can we get Glenn back?

The Walking Dead Universe is certainly expanding in the coming months and years. With the original series and World Beyond both ending next year, we have the latest season of Fear the Walking Dead going on now, plus a movie trilogy based on the life of Rick Grimes, Tales of the Walking Dead anthology, the Daryl and Carol spin-off, and even a comedy is rumored to be down the pipe. That’s a lot of head shots.

With a release date of only “next summer,” we imagine that Tales will come out just before the very last chunk of eight episodes release for the original series. Season 11 will be broken up into three equal parts — 8 episodes each — and is expected to finish up at the end of 2022.

Tales of the Walking Dead will enter production early 2022 and will premiere on both AMC+ and AMC next summer. No word yet if the episodes will release as early access similar to those of the original series, but you can bet that we’ll have all the coverage once they release.

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    Shawn has been infatuated with the post-apocalyptic genre since he wore out his horribly American-dubbed VHS of the original Mad Max as a child. Shawn is the former Editor-in-Chief at, creator of the Aftermath post-apocalyptic immersion event, and author of "AI For All," a guide to navigating this strange new world of artificial intelligence.
    He currently resides on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere with his wife and four children.

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