
Pre-order Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition and Support Post-Apocalyptic Media!

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FALLOUT 4 Official Release Date: 11 – 10 – 2015

Pre-order Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition here and help out Post-Apocalyptic Media! 🙂

So…. Are you as excited as we are about Fallout 4?! Seriously, can November come fast enough? We’re already playing the Fallout Shelter app game and LOVING it. We’ve watched the videos about Fallout 4 a million times… So freakin’ exciting!

You can ALREADY pre-order Fallout 4 on Amazon for PS4, Xbox One or PC. The standard edition or the Pip-Boy edition (featuring a REAL Pip-Boy) are available.

Fallout 4

Now here’s another fun part! If you order from our affiliate link, a small percentage will go to supporting Post Apocalyptic Media and helping us keep this webpage, Twitter and Facebook feeds going! You won’t have to pay anything additional either. Just pay the same price you normally would, but use our link to help support us. 🙂

Go ahead and tell all your friends too!

Pre-order #Fallout4 on Amazon HERE and support Post-Apocalyptic Media! Share on X

And as a thank you, here’s the Fallout 4 footage everyone’s been talking about:

Nine-minute game play demo:

Full 34-minute Bethesda E3 reveal:

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at [email protected].

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