A memo allegedly from Larry Maguire, MP in Canada, acknowledges a Five Eyes UAP retrieval program and pushes Canadian officials to get ahead of the news. But is the letter real? Here’s a look into exactly what the letter says, its source, and Maguire’s background with UFOs. We will update this story as more information becomes available.
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The Memo Was Sent to ‘Weaponized’ Journalists from 3 People, But It Did Not Originate From Maguire

The explosive document originated from an episode of Weaponized with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell. Corbell and Knapp are well-known, reputable journalists with a long history of UFO investigations. They were transparent and acknowledged at the beginning of their podcast that they haven’t yet fully vetted the memo.
“You and I have a lot of work to do to vet it and verify it,” Corbell first says to Knapp. “But I want to talk about this document because what it implies. This is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to direct acknowledgment of UAP exploitation programs, and we’re talking in a Five Eyes alliance…”
Corbell then goes on to share that three separate unnamed individuals sent them the same memo, which caused them to pause and consider that it’s more likely to be credible.
So it’s important to know going in that while Knapp and Corbell believe the document is likely authentic, they are open about not fully verifying it yet. At the time of this article’s publication, Maguire also has not publicly commented on the letter and whether it’s real or not.
Science writer Chris Rutkowski from Winnipeg told CBC that Maguire’s office confirmed with him that Maguire did indeed send the letter. However, a spokesperson from Maguire’s office wouldn’t confirm the letter with CBC, and Maguire himself didn’t respond to an email request from CBC.
Rutkowski said: “There’s no question that this is the type of information that is currently circulating and being investigated right now at fairly high levels within the American government… The implication is that the Canadian government … should be a little more transparent with regards of its role and if there’s some indication that Canada perhaps is falling behind in this involvement, that would be of concern to I suppose sovereignty.”
The Memo Has Been Circulating Online Since At Least May
Although the Weaponized podcast just released the memo in June, it’s been circulating online a little longer than that. Knapp and Corbell made clear that it took receiving it from three sources before they realized it was important enough to share even before verification.
In fact, the Twitter account @CambriaSunh tweeted the same letter that was shared on Weaponized on May 12.
Defense Research and Development Canada in possession of recovered UAP material. Larry Maguire, MP – March 22, 2023. Really interesting. #ufotwitter #uaptwitter @ChuckPittman8 pic.twitter.com/GAzKEcr5lU
— Cambria (@cambriasunh) May 12, 2023
When asked about the source, the account said: “A military friend sent it to me in a dm.”
After the drop on Weaponized, the account shared more details.
It was privately sent to me by an AF veteran a while back. As far as I know, it wasn’t anywhere else online at that point. It wasn’t verified then. So I’m glad @JeremyCorbell and @g_knapp looked into it and are making it public.
— Cambria (@cambriasunh) June 20, 2023
They wrote: “It was privately sent to me by an AF veteran a while back. As far as I know, it wasn’t anywhere else online at that point. It wasn’t verified then…”
The Memo Talks About a Five Eyes UAP Retrieval Program
A good part of the alleged memo appears to show concern on Maguire’s part that Canada won’t be ahead of any UFO news that is publicly released, and it could hurt the country’s credibility. It also seems to acknowledge that a Five Eyes UFO retrieval program is indeed real. Whistleblower David Grusch was the first person to publicly speak on a UAP retrieval program. He has claimed that the U.S. has had a program in place since the 1930s, and has been hiding it from AARO, which was tasked to investigate UAPs.
The new memo was purportedly sent by Maguire to Minister Anita Anand, the Minister of National Defence of Canada. It’s also copied to Hon. Melanie Joly, Hon. Omar Alghabra (Assistant Deputy Minister), Dr. Mona Nemer (Chief Science Advisor) and Major General Michael Wright.
Gimme Some Truth @G_Knapphttps://t.co/k1tvpHUj1o pic.twitter.com/cq1ajt2DhV
— Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell (@JeremyCorbell) June 20, 2023
The memo — which was written on March 22, 2023, before Grusch’s allegations were made public — says that Maguire learned “through meetings with American officials” that U.S. officials are “undertaking in-camera hearings with government and military subject matter experts on the recovery and exploitation of physical material from Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.”
Given the timeline of Grusch’s allegations being released to intelligence committees in 2022, the timing could make sense.
Maguire (allegedly) goes on to express concerns that “upcoming public announcements” might be “coordinate between AUKUS” and “damage Canada’s credibility with our allies and the Canadian public.” (AUKUS refers to a trilateral security pact between the UK, Australia, and the United States.)
One of the most interesting parts in the memo reads:
…you may not be aware Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC) has participated in efforts to analyze UAP, which is publicly traceable to circa 1950. This recovered foreign material is studied through the Five Eyes Foreign Material Program (FMP) which, in Canada, is sponsored by the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command aligned with several intelligence sharing arrangements and treaties
Corbell notes in the podcast that DRDC is basically Canada’s version of DARPA.
The memo goes on to request that Anand “request a classified briefing … on the Government of Canada’s historical and ongoing efforts on analyzing recovered UAP material.”
The memo then talks about how the Chief Science Advisor should “be given full access to defense programs and be briefed on the collaborative scientific research efforts with our allies.”
The March 2023 Memo References ‘Upcoming Public Revelations’
In multiple places, the March 2023 memo references “upcoming public revelations,” at one point noting that Canada needs to have a plan to respond to the American FMPS’ revelations, because it will lead to a “larger debate about why there is a lack of transparency and accountability regarding UAP programs and policy.”
The memo goes on to request Parliamentary oversight and “releasable-to-the-public content.”
Then there’s this interesting note near the end of the memo:
Regardless of the classified details of specific FMPs, the public revelations by these subject matter experts who have testified before Congress present an opportunity for the Government of Canada to take a visible leadership role in confirming the existence of recovered material and balancing our national security obligations.
Maguire Has Publicly Spoken About UAPs Before
Canadian MP Larry Maguire @LarryMaguireMP May 18 2022, is Canada paying enough attention to UFOs? (before Sky Canada Project launched)#UFOtwitter pic.twitter.com/pf90XUqpqS
— Redacted Media (@redacted_media) June 20, 2023
As of the time of this article’s publication, Maguire has not spoken publicly about the alleged leaked memo. Maguire is an MP (Member of Parliament) in Canada for the Brandon-Souris constituency. He’s on the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, Vice-Chair of the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group, and is a member of numerous other groups and associations, according to his bio.
In May 2022, CTV News reported that Maguire was urging the government to pay closer attention to UAPs. He said they needed to take UAPS seriously.
“When you see the information that’s come out of the United States, you’d have to take it seriously,” Maguire told CTV. “We need to have a parallel program to what the United States already has.”
Maguire also said his office had arranged a briefing with Luis Elizondo in February 2021.
“If there’s any issue that we can be nonpartisan on in Canada, it should be this one,” Maguire said.
In May 2022, he wrote an op-ed about why Canada needs to take UAPs seriously.
He wrote, in part: “It is now apparent there is something very real going on — something that warrants high-level briefings from military leaders. This deserves legitimate inquiries, and it is time to demand action from our government departments.”
He added: “American senators and members of Congress have shown greater willingness to seek information, ask questions and engage the public in recent years. However, unlike its counterparts in the United States, the government of Canada has yet to show even the slightest curiosity or concern.”
The op-ed is long and definitely worth a full read.
AARO Director Acknowledged a Five Eyes Meeting
Interestingly, as we previously reported, the director of AARO, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, acknowledged a Five Eyes meeting about UAPs during the NASA task force panel on May 31, 2023.
“I have just held our first Five Eyes forum on this subject last week I think it was or earlier this week, Dan was there…” Kirkpatrick shared. “We’ve entered into discussions with our partners on data sharing, how do they do reporting, what kind of analysis can they help us with, what kind of calibration can they help us with, what can we help them with. And we’re establishing all of that right now. And they’re gonna … send their data and information to us to feed into the process that we’ve laid out for how we’re going to do all this.”
Journalist Ross Coulthart, who interviewed David Grusch in the extended NewsNation broadcast, said about the alleged letter: “As a member of the 5 Eyes, Australian military have collaborated in the same Foreign Material Programme that Canadian MP Larry Maguire says is involved in a secret UAP crash retrieval technology program. Ie: recovered non human technology. Canada Knows All. So…Australia?”
But while the contents of the alleged memo are explosive, it still remains to be seen if it’s authentic and if Maguire will publicly speak about the letter in the near future. We’ll keep this story updated.
This work by Stephanie Dwilson is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. Please note that this license does not include photos or videos that may be in the story.