Guides, IRL Apocalypse, Survival, Youtube Round-Ups

YouTube Round-up: The Best Survival Videos of July 21-27

YouTube Roundup

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Each week, I sift through dozens and dozens of post-apocalyptic-themed YouTube videos to find the very best for you, but this week I’ve decided to skip the entertainment factor and go straight for the educational factor.

This week’s YouTube Round-up is all about survival. Every few months I like to make these round-ups about real-world topics like bushcrafting, shelter building, and even camping gadgets. And a particular style of video I especially appreciate is those without narration or wackiness. Six of the seven videos here have no narration, just pure nature sounds (I put the one with talking at the end).

Please let me know what you think of these videos in the comments. Would you like to see more of this in the weekly round-up? Maybe a separate survival round-up? Let me know!

Build survival BUNKER in the Wild | Overnight bushcraft camp alone | Outdoor cooking
This one has shelter-building, cooking, hiking, and more. The shelter was built out of a fallen tree, which could definitely come in handy in a survival situation.

I Built complete and warm survival shelter Bushcraft earth hut, grass roof & fireplace with clay
This video features the construction of a earth hut completely with primitive tools. It looks cozy!

Building a Survival Shelter in a Forest – Camp food – Eating on stone – Camping alone with dog
You can’t beat the classic combo of a man and his dog. This video shows a shelter build right next to a giant rock, which works great for so many things in a survival situation. And that German Shepherd is the best ever.

Make a shelter, find Wild Food in Heavy Rain: Survival Alone | EP.157
This on-going series shows excellent survival techniques in more of a jungle setting. If you find yourself with lots and lots of bamboo, this one’s for you.

Add more wild chickens to raise, build chicken coops, survival alone, survival instincts
I’m a big fan of raising farm animals, and this video shows the steps to making a chicken coop completely out of bamboo. Some of the techniques used in this video are brilliant. And when the little baby chicks come out of the tube? OMG.

Crafting Complete Earth Survival Bushcraft Shelter, Clay Fireplace , Overnight Bushcraft Skills
In this video, the earth shelter has already been built, but we see how the host improves it with foliage and mud to seal all the cracks. But it’s the cooking in the clay oven that really makes this video. Yum!

Top 10 Fantastic Survival Gadgets One Must Have
If you’re not into primitive bushcrafting and you’re more into the technological side of being in the great outdoors, this video has some great tips for camp and survival gadgets.

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    Shawn has been infatuated with the post-apocalyptic genre since he wore out his horribly American-dubbed VHS of the original Mad Max as a child. Shawn is the former Editor-in-Chief at, creator of the Aftermath post-apocalyptic immersion event, and author of "AI For All," a guide to navigating this strange new world of artificial intelligence.
    He currently resides on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere with his wife and four children.

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