Eighty-Six’s new dubbed Episode 22 just dropped and fans couldn’t be happier to finally have an English version to watch. However, most may have noticed the difference in the protagonist’s voice. Shin is now played by Aleks Le after Billy Kametz was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. But who is Shin’s voice actor, exactly?
Who is the New Voice Actor for Shin on Eighty-Six Episode 22?

Shortly after the news, Aleks Le posted on Twitter that he would be filling Kametz’s shoes in the role of Shin Nouzen in 86 Eighty-Six. Fans of the show showed their support to the newcomer and some even commented on how similar Kametz’s and Le’s voices were.
But who is Aleks Le and what has he worked on in the past? Let’s take a deeper look at the voice actor’s career.
Le is 34 years old and was born in Vietnam and moved to the United States when he was 10 years old. Having no concept of English, he learned the language through cartoons and video games, which sparked an interest in voice acting which he pursued later in life. On his website, he describes himself as an “Actor. Cat Dad. Local Funny Man.” I mean, he’s pretty spot on!
Aleks has a YouTube channel with close to 150k subscribers where he showcases his work and the insanely wide range his voice can reach in performing for his characters. You can’t even tell that it’s the same person who voices different ones! In the following video, you’ll be taking a closer look at what it’s like to record for Zenitsu’s English Dub.
Check out the list on AnimeVoiceOver fandom. What an impressive list, and this is only for anime. He has also voiced many video game characters in games such as Horizon Forbidden West, Lost Ark, and Call of Duty.
A user named Macadav on MyAnimeList.net said the following about the voice actor: “One of the most underappreciated English VAs, after hearing him voice Zenitsu, I was surprised by his range and emotion, in fact, he’s the reason why I decided to watch Rent a Girlfriend in dub and even as Kazuya he’s still great! Gonna support this guy all the way, I think he has huge potential.” Well, turns out he definitely has huge potential if he’s to fill in for giants like Billy Kametz!
Did you know about Aleks? What are your favorite works of his? And also, let us know how you enjoyed his new role as Eighty-Six’s Shin!
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