Are synthetic DNA zombies around the corner?
Synthetic DNA has been all over the news lately. A synthetic DNA vaccine that may stop MERS (a SARS-like virus) was just announced. In addition, several research companies have found ways to add BRAND NEW nucleotides to DNA, eventually making GATC a thing of the past. All of this sounds suspiciously like the start of a zombie virus, doesn’t it?

Could a Synthetic DNA Vaccine Start It All?
We don’t want to sound alarmist, but could a synthetic DNA vaccine start us down the road toward zombies? News across the country and world has described the discovery of a MERS vaccine made from synthetic DNA. MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) is similar to SARS, which we’ve heard about a lot more.
Well, the new vaccine has worked so far in rhesus macaques and even camels. Because the vaccine isn’t live, it won’t pose a risk of infecting humans… Or will it?
OK, we’re actually pretty happy about this vaccine. But that doesn’t mean that another more widespread synthetic DNA vaccine won’t pose a threat down the line. Especially if it learns to replicate and change human DNA… (cue scary music! )
Synthetic DNA Has More Nucleotides, Possibly Ushering In Apocalypse?
Several research groups are working on synthetic DNA that will have more nucelotides than regular ol’ Earth-bound DNA. You know how DNA is typically made up of combinations of GTAC (remember the movie GATTACA?) Well, that could be a thing of the past. Not kidding.
It’s exciting but also scary…
In May 2014, the journal Nature announced that researchers at a chemistry lab at the Scripps Research Institute had invented a bacterium with two base pairs in addition to GTAC. The new base pairs were X and Y.
And just last month (yes last month!) it was announced that a completely different group created two completely different nucleotides. A chemist at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Florida had created two nucleotides called P and Z that “fit seamlessly” with our current DNA’s GTAC helical structure. And not only that, but THESE DNA sequences can evolve like traditional DNA and spread the new alphabet.
Sooooo…. Zombie virus or just a completely new alien life form? The apocalypse, or heck maybe the singularity, might be around the corner.
Social Media Users Have Been Asking These Questions for Quite Awhile
Say it isn't so! Genetically engineered DNA yes you heard it right synthetic DNA what does this mean for us. Do I hear zombie apocalypse
— gina (@nutzymom2uki) May 9, 2014
Alert folks on social media have been talking about this possibility for YEARS. Here are just a few examples:
Sooner or later they will unleash Zombie apocalypse! Synthetic DNA advance is hailed
— Ganko jiji (@simonthnutter) March 29, 2014
UW engineers invent programming language to build synthetic DNA. Get your zombie apocalypse gear ready!
— Joel Rodríguez (@Joelrzgn) October 1, 2013
Next Up, The Zombie Apocalypse: Synthetic DNA Manufactured, Evolves on its Own: The headline sounds like somethi…
— Pop Culture Madness (@PCMTweet) May 27, 2012
Look, we’ll be honest. We love science and love scientific advancement. This synthetic DNA could usher in a new scientific era that might be absolutely amazing. But we’re not going to discount the possibility that it might usher in a bunch of zombies too.
What do you think?
Love it! I used genetic modification as the plot device in my interactive zombie book, INFECTED (Click Your Poison).