IRL Apocalypse, News, Space

Navy Releases 109 Pages of UFO Sightings, Including One Connected to Whales

The Navy just dropped 109 pages of UFO documents. Pictured is a portion of one from and a photo from Canva.

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The U.S. Navy has just dropped a new trove of UFO sightings: 109 pages of “range fouler” incidents that it had not released previously. These UAP incidents are heavily redacted, but uncover an intriguing pattern of frequent sightings at military sites. One of those sightings even includes an interesting connection to whales. You can read the full set of documents below. 

 Interested in learning more about UFOs? The series “Skinwalker Ranch,” along with other UFO-related coverage, can be viewed on the History Channel via a free trial on FrndlyTV (this is an affiliate link.) 

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Read the Full 109 Pages of Sightings Below

The documents are filed in the Navy’s FOIA reading room under a PDF document called “RF Reports Navy Redcated (20306).pdf” (RF stands for Range Fouler.) The Black Vault reported that these documents appear to have dropped in December 2023, despite the PDF filename indicating they’re from June. Black Vault also noted that the term “range fouler” appears to be new, originating in a June 2021 report.

Range Fouler refers to “any activity or object that interrupts pre-planned training or other military activity in a military operating area or restricted air space,” according to the Director of National Intelligence’s preliminary UAP assessment in June 2021. 

Here is the full 109-page document. 

Navy’s Range Fouler UFO Reports by Stephanie Dube Dwilson on Scribd

The documents are kept in the Navy’s online FOIA reading room, which includes a whole section on UAPs. The site even notes: “Due to the increased interest in this topic please be advised that if you have submitted a FOIA request for information regarding UAPs that the information will be posted here when it becomes available. Expected time frame for completion of current FOIA request is roughly 6 to 12 months.”

There are quite a few unique sightings and incidents in this report, which Post Apocalyptic Media will be reporting more about in the coming days. For now, we’ll highlight a couple unique entries below, including one where a UAP appeared to be connected to a whale sighting.

A Pod of Whales Was Seen Beneath a UAP

Each Range Fouler Debrief form includes sections for submitters to include their squadron, name, date, time, type of mission, potential latitude and longitude of the sighting, a description of what happened, and a checklist for what they observed (options include round, square, balloon-shaped, wings/airframe, other shape, apparent propulsion, moving parts, metallic, markings, translucent, opaque, and reflective.) Interestingly, this checklist seems to always be redacted. 

Whale sighting
Whale sighting (

One heavily redacted sighting referred to a pod of whales being seen beneath a UAP. You can read it in full on Page 51 of the document above. But you can see a screenshot of a portion of it above. They note that the range fouler “appeared stationary,” and the pilot intercepted it on three passes. When the aircrew scanned the surface of the water underneath the unknown object, they “discovered a pod of whales.” 

Footage of Some of the Objects Was Captured But Not Released

Throughout the forms, there are multiple references to footage being captured. However, these videos and photos don’t seem to be released yet. There’s even a section on each Range Fouler report that notes: “Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interactiona nd saved as a .wmv… Squadron personnel shall upload those files to the repository located at [redacted].”

Second range fouler report (
Second range fouler report (

The second Range Fouler report in the document specifically calls the range foulers “UFOs,” noting that there were two separate UFO sightings “with a total of 6 UFO’s seen.” They also reference “allegedly captured helmet cam footage.”

A report on Page 20 notes: “There is HUD footage of the video at the time of observation however the video is too large to send.”

Reports Indicate These Sightings Are Frequent & Re-Occurring

A number of reports point out that the UFO sightings are frequent and re-occurring.

On Page 16, one reporter writes: “This is a re-occurring issue and has been previously reported on [redacted] in the same location.”

The same was noted on Page 18, with an addendum: “reported additional sightings in [redacted] at previous location now with 8-10 objects between [redacted.]”

A distressing report on Page 21 notes a pilot encountering numerous objects of the same size, but only being able to obtain blurry images at best. They conclude by writing: “At the time there was no one interested in [redacted] so the tapes were deleted.” 

This work by Stephanie Dwilson is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. Please note that this license does not include photos or videos that may be in the story.

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at [email protected].

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