Back in 2020, Haiku the Robot’s Kickstarter and gaming demo was launched. On April 28th, its creator, Mister Morris Games, launched the full game on steam. This seems like a fairly quick process from Kickstarter project to fully launched game, and gamers across the globe are raving about the game, with a 96% positive rating on steam at this date.
What is Haiku the Robot about?
Haiku The Robot is a Metroidvania-type game set in a post-apocalyptic world where (super cute) robots have taken over the world. A computer virus has corrupted the machines that run the world and it is up to Haiku to find the origins of the virus and destroy it. Our hero, equipped with a mysterious microchip that wasn’t infected by the virus, then sets out on a journey to save the world from the Evil Virus.
On its release day, the game was on the Top of Steam’s New and Trending list, overthrowing the highly anticipated “BugSnax”.
What? Haiku the Robot is on the top of New & Trending!
— Haiku, the Robot ➡ OUT NOW on Steam (@MrMorrisGames) April 28, 2022
If this is peaking your interest, make sure to buy Haiku the Robot on Steam. Until May 9th, you’ll be able to purchase the game at a 15% discount. You can follow Mister Morris Games on Youtube and Twitter for more updates on their future gaming endeavours. Happy gaming!
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