Episode 7 of History Channel’s Alone, Season 10, takes place over Days 31-34. Five contestants remain at the start of the episode.
This is a recap and review of episode 7.
Spoilers to follow!
On day 31, Alan encounters a merganser duck stuck in his gillnet. It would be unethical to hunt it in that way, so he must let it go. Unfortunately, it ruins his net. He mentions that he has six fish left in his stash.
The hole the duck created in his net is massive, so Alan goes about trying to repair it. He dwells on sad thoughts, namely of his father’s death, but as he nears completion, his mood improves. The lake is rough, so he heads down into the bay to try to fish there instead.
On the way, he finds some moose tracks (and not the ice cream).
At the bay, he catches two fish but loses both of them.
A few days later, Alan resets his gillnet. He also goes fishing with modifications to his lure (a new hook and a shorter body). He manages to catch a lake trout. He spots a giant pike, but when he goes after it, it steals his lure.
On day 31, after the big storm, Melanie finds that a tree has fallen in her camp. She walks toward the blueberry patches, but fatigue and the partially frozen water make her turn back. As she makes a new fire, she talks about how she’s made a new plan. She decides to double up on her food rather than horde it.
On day 33, Melanie informs us of a new way of freshening our clothes (by putting them next to blueberries in a backpack). She goes on an adventure after having had a breakfast of rock tripe and blueberries. She finds another patch of berries, which she picks for some time.
Wyatt repairs his gillnet on day 31 while describing the severity of the three-day storm everyone on the show experienced. He resets his gillnet and then admits that, a week ago, he stabbed himself in the arm on an old log, and the wound is still somewhat infected.
On Day 34, Wyatt tries his new lure, the Reindeer Demon. He says his arm is healing, and some negative thoughts he’d been harboring the last few days are leaving. He describes how he sees the competition as one against himself and mother nature, not his fellow contestants. He manages to land a 6-7 pound lake trout.
Unfortunately, on his next cast, he loses his lure again. To say he was unhappy was an understatement.
He decides to go hunting and snags a grouse and a red squirrel. He also finds a whitefish in his gillnet too! All before noon.
On Day 32, we find Taz finishing the door of his shelter and making a chair. He talks about the struggles his mother went through and how he followed in her footsteps in multiple ways.
He decides to eat his whole grouse, but when he climbs up to his cache, he finds maggots everywhere, ruining his 10-day stash of food. Despite debating tapping out, he decides to stay and eat as much of it as he can. He boils the food and then hangs it up to dry. He eats some of it, risking disease.
Day 33 rolls around, and Taz finds his food on the ground with a lot of it missing. He believes it’s the marten. When he gets to his gillnet, he finds it’s been snapped. His flotation device allows him to recover it, but it’s tangled up and needs repair. He’s decided to set up some snare traps to better his odds.
On Day 33, we find Mickey making fidget toys for his son out of wood. He heads out to hunt grouse. He discusses how he’s adapted to this land that was at one time so new and different to him. He also talks about the calmness that comes over him when he sits in place in the woods, waiting for something to cross his path. He sees a squirrel and successfully hunts it. He professes to enjoy squirrel meat, mentioning various recipes. He also eats the brains after quoting 2007’s Planet Terror.
Like last week, my money is still on Wyatt and Mickey. Wyatt seems to have infinite luck (or perhaps is more skillful) than everyone else when it comes to procuring food, and I like his attitude. Mickey is also a top contender to me, simply because he wants it so badly and has shown his adaptability and hunting skills. Alan also isn’t far behind. While I am hoping Melanie turns it around, her inability to catch protein is a big problem. Taz, while skilled, seems to have a lack of luck and eating risky food is bound to catch up with him. I don’t think he’s out of the race yet, but we’ll see how his gut is faring next time.
The next episode airs on July 27, 2023, on History Channel and StackTV.
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