Adventure Time, TV Shows

Adventure Time ‘Islands’: Here’s a Translation of What the Old Lady (Alva) Was Saying

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On the Adventure Time miniseries, “Islands,” there’s an episode where Finn encounters an old woman who doesn’t speak his language. It turns out, she is speaking Swedish. We found a translation on Reddit that we’re sharing here. (Note: This post has spoilers through Season 8 Episode 9 — or the third episode in the Islands miniseries. You can stream the whole thing on Amazon here.)

Here's a translation of what Alva was saying on #AdventureTime Islands. Share on X

The translation was provided by Redditor DrarestPepe on the discussion here.

Here’s what DrarestPepe translated:

When Finn first hits the bear with the branch, Alva says:

Stopp! Nej nej nej! Stop! No no no!

Ledsen Albert, det där är inte mat. Sorry Albert, that’s not food.

Det var mig en märklig en. What a strange one.

Har inte träffat någon som honom på länge, det är nog bäst vi tar reda på vad han gör här. Kom Albert. Haven’t met anyone like him for a long time, we’d better find out what he’s doing here. Come along, Albert.

Later, Finn shows her a drawing of Jake, and she says:

En hund! A dog!

Then Finn tries to draw her and it turns out terribly:

Jag trodde det skulle se bättre ut. I thought it would look better.

After they hide out from the terrifying storm, she says one word, which you may have caught:

Hunden! The dog!

Then Jake says that when Alva is slowly shaking her head, it’s the universal death gesture. Apparently she understands some English, because she responds:

Nej, nej! Inte död! No, no! Not dead!

Vi är här… Mitt land. Andra länder. We’re here…- My land.. – Other lands.

A couple other interesting points about Alva… Redditor DrarestPepe and Redditor Parvels later talked about how Alva’s “grunts” sounded “Anglicized.” Her small sounds were more English-like than Swedish.

And by the way, if you thought she was speaking Dutch, don’t worry. Dutch and Swedish are very similar in many ways. There are more great Adventure Time discussions on Reddit here.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at [email protected].

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