Youtube Round-Ups

YouTube Round-up: The Best Post-Apocalyptic Videos of July 14-20

Youtube Round-up

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Post-Apocalyptic Creepypasta: “After 800 Years, We Finally Visited Earth”
I love this channel because they bring your stories to life by creating a video and narration for submitted stories. They don’t always do post-apocalyptic, but they do cover a wide range of genres. This sci-fi thriller was written by Arinze Williams and narrated by Thomas Barker.

STRAY – Full Opening
The post-apocalyptic cat simulator Stray just launched yesterday and this video shows the first 9 minutes of gameplay, which is basically an intro to the controls. You can also watch me play through the first 90 minutes of the game on our Twitch channel.

The Pale Horse | A PRE-Apocalyptic Short Film (2022)
Yes, this is technically a pre-apocalyptic short film, but it deals with very apocalyptic topics and is well done for a low-budget short.

New Post-Apocalyptic Open World Survival!! Vein Gameplay First Look
Vein checks off all the best boxes: post-apocalyptic, survival, multiplayer, and sandbox. This video is a first look at the free downloadable demo (check it out!), showing off some of the gameplay and beautiful environments.

Heroforge – Picking Apart Post-Apocalyptic Models
Heroforge is an incredible tool for those who enjoy tabletop gaming with miniatures. You can customize your character with near-endless possibilities of accessories and poses. This video takes a look at the best (and worst) post-apocalyptic choices included with the service.

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    Shawn has been infatuated with the post-apocalyptic genre since he wore out his horribly American-dubbed VHS of the original Mad Max as a child. Shawn is the former Editor-in-Chief at, creator of the Aftermath post-apocalyptic immersion event, and author of "AI For All," a guide to navigating this strange new world of artificial intelligence.
    He currently resides on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere with his wife and four children.

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