Youtube Round-Ups

YouTube Round-up: The Best Post-Apocalyptic Videos of January 19-25

YouTube Round-up

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This week’s YouTube Round-up has plenty of gameplay videos and short films, plus a deep look at The Last of Us Episode 2.

YouTube Round-up January 19-25

HUNTING To Survive In A Post-Apocalyptic RAIN WORLD
Two animators, DJ and Alan, take a first look at the 2017 game Rain World. Do they like it? Is it worth another look? Check out this video for more.

I Am Future | First Look at Survival Crafting Post-Apocalyptic Flooded Wasteland of Abandoned Earth
While I Am Future still doesn’t have a release date, Raptor takes a deep look at the early version of the game. I’ve had this game on my Steam Wishlist a few months and I think I’ll go ahead and keep it right there. It looks like a fun little survival game!

New Cycle | Industrial Colony City Builder on a Post-Apocalyptic Earth after Solar Flare Disaster
Yes, there’s another Raptor video on this week’s round-up and yes, it’s another great-looking post-apocalyptic game. This one is New Cycle, another post-apocalyptic city builder that looks very similar to something like Surviving the Aftermath, Post-Apo Builder, or Endzone (all great games!).

THE LAST OF US: Episode 2 Easter Eggs & Breakdown
So The Last of Us is dominating the internet these last couple weeks, and for good reason. If you’ve seen the second episode of the first season, this is a great companion video that gives a detailed look at what you may have missed. But if you haven’t seen the second episode yet, you might want to hold off until you do.

WATERTOWER – a post-apocalyptic short film
While this is a very low-budget short film made by one guy, it has some impressively artistic shots in it. Definitely worth the 4-minute watch.

Nomads – by Anna Rueskov Schleicher
“A loyal pack animal from a nomadic tribe has his courage tested, when taken down a challenging, unfamiliar path by his ailing human.” This is an extremely well-done animated short film that looks like it came out in 2021. Enjoy!

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    Shawn has been infatuated with the post-apocalyptic genre since he wore out his horribly American-dubbed VHS of the original Mad Max as a child. Shawn is the former Editor-in-Chief at, creator of the Aftermath post-apocalyptic immersion event, and author of "AI For All," a guide to navigating this strange new world of artificial intelligence.
    He currently resides on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere with his wife and four children.

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