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What Time and Date Does Black Crab Premiere?

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There are so many movies on Netflix that are piling up on our ‘to-watch-list’ and Black Crab is one of the big contenders for your time this week. Which brings the question: When will Black Crab premiere and what is this much-hyped movie all about?

What Is the Movie About?

Black Crab is a post-apocalyptic movie from Sweden directed by Adam Berg and starring Noomi Rapace (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Prometheus). It speaks about a world torn apart by war. Six soldiers risk their lives on a covert expedition across a frozen chain to deliver a mysterious package that could bring the war to an end.

They have no idea what dangers await them as they enter hostile enemy territory, or who — if anyone — they can trust. Caroline Edh, a speed skater turned soldier, sees the task as something very different: she needs to save her daughter.

When Will Black Crab Premiere?

The movie is set to stream worldwide via Netflix on Friday, March 18, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time, 3:00 a.m. Eastern. You can set a reminder through the service to alert you when the movie airs, so you don’t forget to check it out. 

In a post on Rapace’s Instagram, she mentions that the movie also premiered at the Gothenburg Film festival on February 3rd.  Check out the cool behind-the-scenes picture below!

black crab btsIn an article on Deadline, Rapace talked about filming in Sweden, her native country.

“I’m very excited to come back to Sweden and do Black Crab,” she said. “My first Swedish film in years. Can’t wait to get suited up and go on this journey – explore human shadows and slide through broken dreams and a world on edge. Survival to what price?” That sounded like a very exciting experience for her!

black crab premiere

Some people are super excited about the movie, some people feel a bit skeptical about what to expect, while others are hoping it goes all out in being more campy than serious. But by the looks of the trailer, this is going to be a serious movie. 

On Twitter, an author from Netflix Life reviewed the movie and shared: “If you’re looking for a fast-paced thriller to watch this weekend I recommend #BlackCrab. It’s not the strongest script, but it’s engaging, gripping and atmospheric. First-time feature director Adam Berg also creates some stunning visuals.”

Here are some production stills from the movie that you might enjoy: 

Are you excited about the movie? And are you going to watch this with subtitles or are you one of those multi-talented people who can both read AND watch the screen at the same time? (I’m not jealous – you are!)

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    Valerie Anne is a Type 1 diabetic, mother, tree-hugger, self-proclaimed granola who loves a good horror story through literature, video games, and movies. She also streams art over at

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