Crowdsourcing, TV Shows

Vote for the Top Post Apocalyptic Ship: Round Three

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Let’s keep this short and sweet, sort of like me.

Say what you will but The 100 fans can thin a crowd. From eighteen post-apocalyptic nominees as nominated by you, to four, The 100 makes up three of those ships.  Since I am the resident The 100 writer in these parts, that makes me happy-no offense to the others who were voted out. I just have to stand with my team #the100.  I debated back and forth on skipping the whole pretense of round three and just skipping to the final two but I had to give Carol and Daryl a fighting chance, they deserve it.

Moving on! You know the rule(s): Keep it sweet in the comment section and no scripts! This is Round 3 of 4. The round ends Monday at midnight and the fourth and final round begins next Saturday at midnight, April 29.

Happy voting and see you on the other side!


[socialpoll id=”2436287″]


(Now that the poll is over, here is a screenshot of the results, in case the poll itself ever goes down:)

Vote for your favorite post-apoc ship. Round 3 of 4 is here! Share on X

#Caryl, #Clexa, #Bellarke, or #SeaMechanic? Vote Top Post-Apoc Ship NOW! Share on X

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    Heather is a twenty-something wine drinker and coffee lover who tweets too much and sleeps too little. She resides near the beaches in Mississippi where she annoys her family and friends with her obsessions of fictional people. She has a full time job with a health package and everything but she always finds time to over-invest in TV Shows and is thrilled that she now gets to share these obsessions with the world.

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