Guides, Movies, TV Shows

The Top 10 Shows You Can Watch Right Now on Netflix

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Sometimes you need a quick fix for your post-apocalyptic soul. When that happens, Post-Apocalyptic Media is here to help. According to my research, 99.9% of my readers subscribe to Netflix. Get with the program, Steve from Indiana.

Here is a list of shows available for instant streaming from Netflix as of 10/20/2014.*

I have intentionally left out several low-budget movies, especially from the zombie genre, in order to keep this post at a manageable length. Despite my effort to be fair, inevitably some worthy titles will be left off the list. If so, please leave a comment on this page and I will consider making a revision.**

(Note: Links go to Amazon, so you can read reviews of the shows & movies. You can visit Netflix here.) 

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Editor’s Choice: Instant Streaming PA Top 10

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

hunger games

This movie was even better than the book. Which was great. Watch it now.

The 100

the 100

Nuclear destruction? Check. Tribal warfare? Check. Teen angst? Unfortunately, check. Seriously though; watch this.


Doomsday Preppers

doomsday preppers

It’s like a college course in modern prepping. This show allows amateur preppers to show off all the valuable loot they’ve acquired and where they’ve hidden it. Amateurs indeed..


Adventure Time


adventure time

Is this a kids show? Yes. Is it actually post-apocalyptic? Yes. Will you enjoy this show more than any kid ever could? Quite possibly.


The Walking Dead

the walking dead

AMC got this one right. Watch the series climax after the first season, struggle through the next one, and slowly build to what has truly been an incredible season five.

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

halo 4

Don’t let the 4 scare you – this is not a sequel. No prior Halo knowledge is needed to enjoy this excellent addition to the “Aliens decide to genocide humans, so a super-badass with experimental earth military tech crushes them” genre.





The best attack is a sneak attack, and nobody knows this better than preppers. Without any warning at all, a nuclear bomb goes off nearby. What do you do? Where do you go? What happens next? That is what Jericho is all about.


Terminator 2

terminator 2

This movie was my first true introduction to the genre of post-apocalyptic. I remember feeling sheer terror as that robot steps on the human skull, shooting at what would be the last human beings to walk the earth. The only hope is their brilliant general, which is why the robots travel in time to kill him as a kid. Hilarity ensues.




Perhaps the most celebrated single-season shows in history, Firefly is one of a kind. Not in the center of post-apocalyptic goodness (society in general has yet to collapse) but it is kind of in denial about that – see Reavers.




Just start at season two. Seriously. It’s better that way.

Honorable Mention

World War Z










Trigun Badlands Rumble


Starship Troopers III


Starship Troopers: Invasion


Battlestar Galactica (1978)


Terra Nova


The Stand


Nonfiction worth checking out


Hiroshima: BBC History of World War II


Countdown to Zero


Secrets of the Dead: World’s Biggest Bomb


When Aliens Attack


Stay Away From These!


Starship Troopers II


Attack on Titan


Total Retribution


Alien Dawn


Parts Per Billion


Age of Tomorrow


The Void


Other PA – Offered without comment because I haven’t seen them/don’t recall.



AE Apocalypse Earth

Day of the Dead


The Colony

Invasion Earth

The Last Man

The Twilight Zone: SN1 EP8: Time Enough At Last


Stake Land

20 Years After


Goodbye World

The Last Days

How I Live Now

After the Dark

The Returned

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Warrior of the Lost World

Harlock Space Pirate

Tomorrow When the War Began

Mr. Nobody

Right at Your Door

Evacuate Earth

Revelation Road: The Beginning of the End

State of Emergency

Germ Z

Eve of Destruction

Dead Within




*Netflix is in a constant state of flux. Shows and movies come and go, eventually making guides like these inaccurate. I will not be updating this post for every development in Netflix catalogue, so be warned. This blog is dated October 30, 2014, and as of today, these are the best Post-Apocalyptic shows you can watch on Netflix instant streaming.

**Looking through my watch history, I found out that the Netflix catalogue has lost a LOT of great PA titles. Going back to 2007, Netflix has had and lost: Halo Legends, Zombieland, A Boy and His Dog, Ever Since the World Ended, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Atomic Café, The Matrix: Revolutions, Trinity and Beyond, 12 Monkeys, THX 1138, Mad Max 2, and Battlestar Galactica.

    Derek is a licensed (non-practicing) attorney with a keen interest in avoiding catastrophe. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    Contact: [email protected]

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