The HBO Game of Thrones Season 6 Premier Begins April 24 at 9PM.
I know you can hardly wait, so that’s why we here at Post Apocalyptic Media are going to do you a favor.
24 Days of Countdown Coverage to Help You Pass the Time
From now until the 24th, we’re going to bring you wall-to-wall Game of Thrones coverage. We’ve been collecting the best videos, blogs, podcasts, news, and memes to help you with the wait, and to fill you full of hype. Use the email subscription widget on the right to make sure you don’t miss out on all the new content. Now watch this video and try not to get so pumped that you throw something.
“Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until the season premier. I am the nerd in the darkness. I am the watcher on the forum walls. I am the shield that guards my readers from unintentional spoilers. I pledge my life and honor to the fan community, for this night and all the nights to come. Until April 24th, that is.”
Game of Thrones Season 6 Begins In…
[waiting name=”Thrones”]
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