Alone, TV Shows

Alone Season 10, Episode 4 Recap and Review

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Episode 4 of History Channel’s Alone, Season 10, takes place over Days 17 – 22. Eight contestants remain at the start of the episode. 

This is a recap and review of episode 4.

Spoilers to follow!



On day 17, Cade is hunting. He finds bear scat, which makes him hopeful. He decides to fire treat his arrows, which he’s tipped with aluminum from some beer cans he found.


Wyatt spots some cute otters having a swim when he goes to check his nets. He hasn’t found any sign of moose or bear, so he’s been focusing on fishing. He creates a lure (he calls it the “golden hellfire”) that he hopes will help. He catches two pretty big lake trout that he places into his livewell to store overnight. 

Unfortunately, his fish escaped in the night because the tide came in. Undeterred, he goes fishing again.

On day 19, Wyatt sits on a rock and watches an adorable mink wandering around. He goes fishing again and catches a lake trout this time. 



On Day 18, Luke goes fishing as a break from working on his shelters. He sings a rather catchy tune as he does so, then catches a trout. He’s caught 16 fish so far and then adds another.

He makes a fireplace with a chimney in his house that looks awesome. As he does so, he talks about his wife and son back home and how it was a good time for him to come on Alone despite missing them. 

Even though he has a sweet set-up, he develops a stomach ache. He says it might be from eating two-day-old fish. 

On day twenty, he shares a lovely story about pooping the bed and admits he’s been drinking water directly out of the lake. 

It shows that you can make the most badass cabin and catch a plethora of food, but the microscopic organisms in unpotable water can still take you out. 

As he goes to tap out, he sees a bear in the distance. He takes it as a sign to stay. He readies his bow and takes a shot at it. He misses his first shot, sees a second bear, and then realizes it’s a mother and cubs, which is not only illegal but unethical to hunt.

He takes this as a further sign to go home and taps out.




On day 19, Taz worries how his hair will look on TV. He goes to check his gil nets and finds a trout full of eggs. He has food for ten days now, which means he has time to work on projects. He builds a better smoker/kitchen. 

Back at his shelter, 300 feet away, a weasel-type critter is attempting a burglary.

Taz checks his snares and finds a squirrel. He arrives back at his kitchen to discover he’s missing half his trout. He tracks what has stolen it and decides it’s likely a pine marten. 

He decides to make a food cache, a box that rests 16 feet in the air on top of two de-barked trees.  

On Day 22, Taz finds his net has disappeared. Makes me wonder whether the fire wasn’t just bad luck, but clumsiness on Taz’ part as well. 



Melanie decides to build a woodshed to store dry tinder. She discusses her life, talking about living with the carpe diem (“seize the day”) concept. She also talks about the death of her mother but how their conversations spurred her to take risks and adventures. 

She goes fishing and loses her lure. She takes off her bra, where she stores her hooks, and makes a new lure with various parts of clothing and a bandaid. She catches a trout! 


On day 17, Jodi’s shelter is almost ready. She puts the roof on. She’s only eaten berries and lichen in the last three weeks. She talks about how she misses her family more than she’s worried about the physical implications of not getting enough protein. She climbs precariously onto the roof to add moss, talking about how her dad used to immerse himself in the woods in a similar way as she is now. 

On day 21, Jodi wakes up to snow. She talks about how she feels prepared to stay now that she has her “lost cabin.” She explains how being on Alone has helped her with her life’s mindset. She talks again about her family and the guilt she has for leaving them. 

She’s lost 27 pounds since the show started and mentions a dream she had about her mom. She should be going out and getting protein, but she does menial tasks instead. It seems like she’s (subconsciously) putting off hunting to starve herself into going home. She misses her home and family so much that she can’t stop thinking about them. 

She taps out, but at least she got to spend some time in her awesome shelter.   


Comparing the first seasons of Alone to the most recent is interesting because the contestants last far longer now before they start tapping out or truly begin to struggle. It seems they’re more and more prepared each time, making tap-outs like Jodi and Luke surprising. 

We have six contestants left: Melanie, Taz, Wyatt, Cade, Mickey, and Alan. My personal bias revolves around Melanie (as the remaining woman) and my fellow Canadians Wyatt and Alan, but I also think Mickey might be sticking around for a while as his reasons for competing seem the strongest. 

The next episode airs July 6 on History Channel and StackTV.

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    T. S. Beier is obsessed with science fiction, the ruins of industry, and Fallout. She is the author of What Branches Grow, a post-apocalyptic novel (which was a Top 5 Finalist in the 2020 Kindle Book Awards and a semi-finalist in the 2021 Self-Published Science Fiction Competition) and the Burnt Ship Trilogy (space opera). She is a book reviewer, editor, and freelance writer. She currently lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband, two feral children, and a Shepherd-Mastiff.

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