Alone, TV Shows

When Will We Get Season 9 of Alone?

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Update: Alone Season 9 will air May 26, 2022 on History Channel. This season takes place in Labrador, Canada. 

We haven’t covered History Channel’s Alone too much on PostApocalypticMedia, but it’s something I’ve recently gotten into. Preppers would get a lot out of the show because they can either learn some tactics or have fun critiquing the contestants’ mistakes! 

What Is Alone?

Alone is a reality TV/documentary series that sends ten people into the wilderness where they must survive as long as they can on minimal supplies. The initial seasons are set on Vancouver Island, but other seasons take place in Mongolia, Northern British Columbia, Patagonia, and the Arctic. The winner seeks a prize of $500,000, but many contestants participate for loftier goals (such as to prove they can do it or simply for the experience).

What’s fascinating about the show is that it never really gets old. The producers find ways of making the show different each time (such as doing a season where the participants were paired, seasons in different locations, and a “redemption” season). 

In truth, I’ve only watched what Amazon Prime offers (five seasons in Canada), but I was enthralled from the get-go and plan on getting a hold of the rest before the new season airs. Like a lot of viewers, I always declare “I could do that” while watching, but then I think about … spiders. So you won’t see me applying to participate any time soon! 

Here’s the News on Season 9 of Alone

When will we get Season 9? We don’t have an official date yet, but we have some guesses based on when Alone has premiered in the past.

Season 8 of the show (“Alone: Grizzly Mountain”) ran from June 3rd, 2021 to August 19th, 2021, and as previous seasons were released at a similar time of the year (except for season 3), it’s not entirely impossible it will come out summer 2022. 

Then again, we have no trailer yet or list of contestants, so perhaps we’re looking at another December release.

I’d be fine with that, because there’s nothing like bundling up under a blanket on a cold winter night with a hot drink while watching other people freeze to death on TV. Right? Or am I alone in that? 


Check out all previous seasons of Alone on:

Hulu and 

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    T. S. Beier is obsessed with science fiction, the ruins of industry, and Fallout. She is the author of What Branches Grow, a post-apocalyptic novel (which was a Top 5 Finalist in the 2020 Kindle Book Awards and a semi-finalist in the 2021 Self-Published Science Fiction Competition) and the Burnt Ship Trilogy (space opera). She is a book reviewer, editor, and freelance writer. She currently lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband, two feral children, and a Shepherd-Mastiff.

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