Car-maggeddon Tournament Round 1, Battle 4: the Mercury Marquis from Stake Land (2010) vs. Tallahassee’s Escalade from Zombieland (2009)!

Car-maggeddon Tournament Round 1, Battle 3: Snowpiercer (2013) vs. Judge Dredd’s Law Master (1995)

Car-maggeddon Tournament Round 1, Battle 2: The “Bus” from Dawn of the Dead (2004) and the Tank from Tank Girl (1995)!

Car-maggeddon Tournament Round 1, Battle 1: Mad Max’s Interceptor vs Cherry 2000’s Mustang

Is Pacific Rim: The Black Worth Watching?

The Expanse: Season 5 Finale Recap and Review

The Expanse: Season 5, Episode 9 (“Winnipesaukee”) Recap and Review

The Expanse: Season 5, Episode 8 (“Hard Vacuum”) Recap and Review