Westworld Season 4 Episode 3 Review: ‘Annees Folles’ Explained

Westworld Season 4 Episode 3, “Annees Folles,” may have been the best episode of the season yet.

The Definition of ‘Annees Folles’

First, let’s get this out of the way. The title of the episode does have an interesting definition. Annees folles refers to the 1920s, according to Wikipedia.

So the title of the episode is a fancy phrase to describe the park that Maeve and Caleb find themselves in, thanks to Charlotte’s invitation last week.

Annees folles literally means “crazy years” in French, and refers more specifically to the 1920s in France, Wikipedia tells me.

Bernard Is the New Rehoboam

Bernard’s journey started with a brief foray into the Sublime (brief for us, but many years in the life of the show.)

Benard’s return also thrust us right back into early Westworld, with images of the wolf and the white horse that viewers used to make so many theories about.

His first scenes were packed full of nostalgia and intrigue. But his time in the Sublime was destined to be short.

One thing I thought was especially interesting was how once Bernard returned to the real world, the music that played for some of of his scenes had a distinct Rehoboam feel.

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