Who’s the Woman [Aurora Perrineau] That Bernard Met on Westworld?

Westworld Season 4 Episode 3 was a compelling episode that truly left viewers feeling like the “old” Westworld is back.

One of the most interesting storylines involved Bernard and Caleb running into a woman who holds the key to saving the world.

The leading theory among fans is that Aurora Perrineau is portraying Caleb’s daughter, Frankie, now all grown up.

So that would put Bernard’s timeline about 15 to 20 years in the future, beyond where Caleb, Mave, and Charlotte’s storyline is taking place.

If this is the case, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that Bernard has been involved in a different timeline. This show does like to mix things up like that sometimes to keep us on our toes. 

It would make sense that Frankie is part of a pretty well-choreographed resistance group, considering what she learned from her dad and how interested she was in fighting and being self-sufficient.

He found a host version of his daughter, pretending to be human, and that host infected him with those terrifying parasitic flies.

In previous episodes this season, we saw that Charlotte (and even Dolores last season) only replaced humans if they had killed the humans already.

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