Having a Cold in the Apocalypse Would Be Awful. These Natural Remedies Might Help.

I’ve realized that even having the common cold would be DANG AWFUL during an apocalypse or after. But no one really talks about that.

I even googled it. Nope, nothing. So let me say, once and for all, that having a cold in the apocalypse would be AWFUL.

Here are some other natural cold remedies that might work well in a post-apocalyptic world:

• Alcohol and honey. This was recommended to me SO many times. I think it counts as a “natural” treatment.

Lemon and honey. This can also help a sore throat and cough.

Drink lots of water. A life straw could help if you weren’t sure if the water was OK.

• Chicken soup. Probably not too hard to make in a post-apocalyptic world.

• Steam, steam, steam. Put a pot of water over a fire and hang your head over the steam.

• Gargle warm salt water.

• Stock up on ibuprofen, Dayquil and Nyquil. But remember: if you’re in the U.S., you can only get the good decongestant behind the counter.

To suppress a *dry* cough at night, Holistic Health suggests California poppy, valerian root, thyme, mullein, or red clover.

For a headache, try lavender, basil, or peppermint scents.

Some people swear by eating garlic, so if you’re growing that in your post-apoc back yard, you can give that a try too.

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