Top 6 Bug Out Locations You May Have Overlooked for When the SHTF

It’s important to have a bug out plan. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, “bugging out” is what you do when you have to leave your home in a hurry due to an impending disaster.

Bugging out can be prompted by anything from a natural disaster to a complete societal collapse. But what’s just as important as having a plan is having a destination in mind.

Remote Cabin in the Woods

There’s no better place to do it than in a remote cabin in the woods. Not only will you be far away from populated areas, but you’ll also have access to fresh water and wood.

Not only will you have access to food and water, but you’ll also be able to grow your own food if necessary. And if you have livestock, they can provide you with food and income.

Isolated Farmhouse

These compounds are designed to be completely self-sufficient, with everything from solar power to greenhouses for growing food.

Self-Sustaining Compound

RV or Travel Trailer

You can keep moving until you find a safe place to settle down. Just make sure that your RV is fully stocked with supplies before hitting the road.

The key here is again to make sure that the island is truly isolated and not easy for others to get to. Additionally, you’ll need to make sure that the island has enough resources.

Isolated Island

National Forests

There are many benefits to bugging out in a national forest, including the abundance of natural resources, the wide open spaces, and the remote locations.

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