The Top 10 Animated Post-Apocalyptic Movies of All Time

While Japan certainly has the market cornered on animated post-apocalyptic films, this article includes a list of my favorite animated films from all over the world.

This is certainly not a complete list, but it’s my ten favorite at the time of this writing.



In the same year George Lucas was showing off Star Wars (1977), director Ralph Bakshi was showing off this masterpiece.

Titan A.E.

The world didn’t end as predicted in the year 2000, but we did get this film as compensation.



A scary animated post-apocalyptic movie from Tim Burton? Yes, please! 9 has a great message and wonderful story, but the thing that stuck with me the most about this film is the unique imagery.


Conan the Future Boy: The Big Giant Robot’s Resurrection

This is Hayao Miyazaki’s second film on this list, but not his best. Still, the whole Conan the Future Boy series is an amazing story.


Fist of the North Star

Fist of the North Star features a great story and some of the best post-apocalyptic biker gangs outside of GI Joe’s Dreanoks.


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