Rainwater is Now Unsafe to Drink in Every Part of the Earth

Welp, Earth, we had a good run. According to researchers at the University of Stockholm, there is no place on the planet left where rainwater is safe to drink.

Thanks to man-made chemicals known as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), water falling from the sky is no longer drinkable anywhere.

Antarctica was the last bastion of clean rainwater, but scientists have recently discovered that these “forever chemicals” have infiltrated there, too.

What is a Forever Chemical?

Forever chemicals, which do not occur in nature, come from several household items like cosmetics, non-stick cookware, stain repellents, and even electronics.

The compounds are linked to fertility problems and have been shown to increase the risk of cancer and childhood developmental problems.

But despite the greater reach for these chemicals, the United States has actually seen a drastic decline in the amount of PFAS in drinking water since the research began.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “It’s clear that PFAS in the soil, water, or air can be absorbed by plants and animals, leading to contaminated foods.

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