Is a Food Dehydrator or a Freeze Dryer Best for Apocalypse Prep?

I’m sure everyone has given at least a thought to storing food in preparation for an apocalypse.

I’m here to offer some explanations and comparisons between two long-term methods: dehydrators and freeze dryers.

What is a Dehydrator/Freeze Dryer?

A food dehydrator dries out the food so no moisture can develop and thus no bacteria can grow. It’s a small oven that circulates air at very low temperatures.

A freeze dryer is a bit more scientific: the food is placed into a vacuum-sealed chamber. The temperature is lowered and then raised again until the water in the food changes from liquid to gas.

Nope! You can dehydrate or freeze dry simple fruits and veggies as well as soups, casseroles, even pet foods – you simply soak them in water or, in the case of soups.

Doesn’t it taste like garbage?

You do want to consider cross-contamination when drying, so you shouldn’t dry raw meat and veggies together. You’ll also want to think about flavour, as some foods absorb the flavours of others.

Freeze-dried food lasts longer. Food can be stored for 25-30 years. Dehydrated food can last over a year if not vacuum-sealed.

If both produce the same product, what’s the difference?

A food dehydrator is far less expensive. You can get some toaster-oven-sized units for under $200, whereas freeze dryers of the same size are over $3000.

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